
Why do Facebook and Apple dislike each other?

Major multinational rivalries seem to have one common factor: competition for the same business. Previously, Apple has announced it would add an App Monitoring Accountability feature to allow users to have control over their information.

That’s why Facebook and Apple feuds are so interesting. The two firms do not compete with each other; they just don’t like each other.

They’re both major technology firms, and that’s where the parallels end up.

Just about all of Facebook’s earnings come from ads, but just a tiny proportion of Apple’s revenue comes from smartphones and the App Store.

Pertinently, users will have to log in for their personal information handed over by default-to be used by apps like Facebook.

This is a huge issue with Facebook, which sells targeted advertising to make eye-watering profits. This says explicitly that this is going to hurt its business.

Apple has delayed the proposed amendments until next year to encourage users time to prepare.

In a letter explaining why the move had been postponed last week, Apple’s Jane Hovarth could not stop tease Zuckerberg: “Facebook executives have made it apparent that their goal is to obtain as much information as possible.

“This disdain for data privacy continues to grow.”

Facebook hit back saying, “They use their dominant market position to self-prefer their data collection while making it almost impossible for their rivals using the same data.

“They say it’s about confidentiality – but it’s about profit.”

It’s like putting salt into an open wound for Apple, which is genuinely proud of its conviction that it has a higher business strategy than Facebook.

Much further ago in 2010, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs allegedly warned Facebook of privacy.

And then in 2018, Mr. Cook, Apple’s current boss, said that he would have approached Facebook by using data to sell ads, but “we elected not to do that”.

Roger McNamee, an investor in Silicon Valley and author of Zuck, a crucial book about Facebook and its creator Mark Zuckerberg, is no Facebook fan either.

“Apple’s ideology is one of encouraging its customers,” he said, “Facebook’s culture is manipulating its users.

“Institutionally, Apple has had plenty of opportunities to judge others and has opted not to do so.

“I think that’s a tribute to how offensive they find Facebook’s behavior.”

The phone battle.

The phone battle


The odd part of this shared disdain is the co-dependence of the two firms.

The iPhone would be much less tempting to many consumers if Facebook (along with WhatsApp and Instagram) weren’t available.

Contrarily, would people be searching for other social networking websites if they weren’t able to use Facebook on an iPhone?

It stands to reason for both firms to have a strong healthy professional relationship.

Yet they don’t.

Until now, there have been major firms that don’t get along.

But it was a phone war-indeed, their correlation was synergistic.

What Apple is now advocating, even so, is far from the phone.

Don’t make an error about it-privacy it’s fascination isn’t good for Facebook.

Its new rules are going to hurt the social network.

Of all the probable feuds in big tech, Facebook v Apple seems to be significantly less likely on the face of it.

Google is a clear challenger to Facebook; Microsoft and Google are Apple’s.

But the privacy issue has given rise to flames among Facebook and Apple that won’t go out.

And 2021 is likely to see that grudge match rage even further.

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